Our Story
Saturnia Farm is a nursery, flower farm, and homestead with growing and land management practices guided by principals of beauty, permaculture, and ecology, started in 2019. We started small, in the hours between full time jobs, with saved seeds, a collection of willow cuttings, some perennial plugs and stock plants, and a handful of laying hens. We are still plugging away, growing a little more each year as we can, and learning a lot along the journey!
Our mission is to provide holistically-grown, affordable specialty perennials, natives, and edible landscaping plants for the beautification and ecological benefit of Western North Carolina. We value plants and garden design that can transform a standard landscape into a life-giving garden for both people and wildlife, educating and inspiring us humans to a higher aesthetic, creative, and environmental landuse ethic.
We are working toward transforming the four acres of lawn and weeds we started with to include expanded nursery areas, native meadows, a permaculture orchard, perennial and woody stock beds to supply plant propagation material, living willow structures, rotating food and cut flower production rows, perennial borders and various demonstration gardens for education.
Saturnia Farm is named in honor of the giant silk moths, or Saturniidae, magnificent creatures often unseen in their adult form due to nocturnal and ephemeral lives. We chose this name because so many of the plants we grow are not only beneficial to wildlife, but are absolutely essential to their continued creation and survival.
Nothing illustrates this dynamic better than the intertwined relationship between butterfly and moth species and their larval host plants — where plants truly do make animals. All butterflies and moths are specialists in the caterpillar stage, when they can only eat specific plant species, so adults will only lay eggs on those species. Monarch butterflies and milkweed. Pipevine swallowtail butterflies and dutchman’s pipe vine. Io moth and hackberry, buttonbush, willow, redbud. Without finding enough of these necessary plants, they cannot reproduce. We feel honored to grow plants that grow animals!
What a blessing it is that, with the right plants and caretaking practices, we can create a garden that creates these splendid critters, and also fuels the entire food web, for caterpillars and other insects born from plants in turn make the lives of birds, toads, small mammals, fish, turtles…
45 Wilse Silvers Drive
Weaverville, NC 28787
Phone: 828-337-1889, 269-578-6906
Email: saturniafarminfo@gmail.com